Making a Murder Mystery Interactive Game - Story 24 June

We've been wanting to make a murder mystery interactive game for a while. A game you can play with a group of friends as a party game or over dinner. A murder mystery game where you ask each other questions, collect clues, and figure out who dunnit. And we succeeded! Well... half way. We approached the game trying to create a murder mystery and as we learned throughout the process we should have started (after we settled on the theme and at least some characters) by building an interesting and exciting murder story. The connections and plots could be laid out for each character and we could walk our characters through the night of the murder and the time after planning their steps. We more approached this from the angle of we want an interesting mystery and so we focused on the murder as an event and a few of the key elements, but without the details to be able to flush out all of the characters. We ended up being able to patch together about half of what we needed for the game.
You can download and read our murder mystery "Death in the Tower" with the link below. The reveal is on the last page so make your guess before you scroll too far (we inserted a warning on the second to last page).